Frequently asked Questions

What is the mission and vision of the association? (Provide a brief overview of the association's purpose)

Our mission is Increasing Ethiopian women’s participation in and impact on the energy sector by spotlighting, training, and connecting them to lucrative and meaningful professional opportunities with the ultimate goals of increasing innovation in the sector and advancing Ethiopia’s economic and human development.

What is the association’s structure and Who are the board members and leadership team?

EWiEn is governed by the executive committee, who are elected by the members during the annual general assembly. The Executive Committee works closely with the staff to implement the decisions of the board and carry out the society’s activities. Please find the General Assembly and Executive board members using the following link.

How can I contact the association?
  • For technical difficulty on the website: Contact 
  • For Organizational membership: contact XX
  • For other organizational collaboration: contact
  • For general information about the association: Contact XX

For Events information : contact

What are the association's code of conduct and ethics?

To know about the code of conduct and ethics, please use this link below.

How can I donate or sponsor the association?

To donate, Use this link

To get more information about the association, please this link

Who is eligible to join?

For individual membership, Female working in the energy sector and student studying  energy related topics

What are the different membership types and their benefits?

There are Four packages: Student, Basic, Premium, Honorary.  Find the details using this link –

How do I apply for membership?
What happens if my membership expires?

Members have to renew their membership by paying their membership annually. If you would like to pay your membership, please use the following link. 

How much is the membership fee?

For individual membership 

  • Student- free
  • Basic – 500
  • Premium – 1000
  • Honorary – In Kind contribution

For Organizational membership 

  • Silver – In Kind 
  • Gold – 5000
  • Diamond – 20,000
Is there a fine for members who pay late? How much?

No, there is no fine. The membership profile will no longer work and membership benefits will stop.

How do I pay the membership fee?
  • You can pay Online using paypal, telebir. You can also pay by transferring or you can pay by coming to EWiEn’s office. To deposit Your membership fee use CBE  account 1000348853361. Once you deposited the Amount please attach the screenshot or a photo of the receipt by email at –  To pay in person please give us a call or come to our office, you can find our address in contact us page
Can I pay my membership in dollars or euros? How?

Yes you can. Use this link to pay your membership fee. We have both paypal for members and Donation portal for anyone who wants to contribute to the association.

What events and activities does the association offer?

The association has different events such as, Monthly thematic workshop, members networking programs, Annual General Assembly and Annual women in Energy Awarding event. Please go through the event calendar and mark your calendar. 

How do I register for events?

To register, please go to calendar and open the event you want to attend, You will find RSVP button. Register and we will send you a confirmation email.

Are there any member discounts for events?

For the time being, all events are free for members. But you have to RSVP as early as possible because of limited seats.

Can I volunteer at events?

You can volunteer at events. Please send an email to volunteer on . 

What are the networking opportunities available?

EWiEn has a whatsapp group for only members to network and share information. EWiEn also has a networking event on thematic workshops, members only town hall events. 

Do you offer any scholarships or grants?

EWiEn doesn’t officer scholarships or grants by itself but we post for members to apply to various scholarship opportunities. 

How can I get involved in advocacy efforts?

One of the pillars EWiEn is working on is Advocacy. Therefore, EWiEn has a group that discusses energy and Gender advocacy groups. You can join the group by clicking this link.

How can I connect with other members?

To get access for members, you can use the whatsapp group or you will have access to members’ profiles on your profile on the website,  if you are a premium package member.

How do I update my member profile?

After logging in to your profile, click “Update my profile” then it will lead you to update your profile.

What are the login requirements for the members-only area?

When registering as a new member, you will have the access to put your email address and password. Then you are required to pay your membership fee for Basic and Premium package. But if you choose student and Honorary, you will be approved by the EWiEn team to access your membership profile.

How can I report a website issue? (Provide contact information for technical support)

Please email on or call on +251 9 xx

Is the website mobile-friendly?


How can organizations become a member?

Register using this link and pay your membership fee using this link.

What are the benefits for member organizations?

To know more about the benefits for member organizations use this link

How can organizations promote their brand in the Associations? EWiEn has three programs

Annual women in Energy Event 

On this event, organizations can sponsor the event by selecting one of the levels. This program has media coverage, and different high level guests will attend. Please find more information about the package using the following link.  

Periodic thematic workshop 

This event is organized monthly and different energy stakeholders will attend on this program. Please find the package using this link. 

EWiEn organizational membership

How can someone find profiles of members who work in the energy sector?

Become a member, if you are female, select premium and if you are an organizational member, select Honorary.

How to hire women working in the energy sector from the association?

Reachout to EWiEn on xx specifying the full information about the hirement requirement, then EWiEn will assist you. But the organization has to be a member of Gold.